Solar Photovoltaic (PV)

Norfolk Plumbing, Heating & Renewables have specialist, trained PV installers with a wealth of knowledge and experience of PV systems.

A Solar PV system takes solar irradiance (sunlight), and converts it into electricity. The solar panels on the roof generate DC electricity, which is then changed into AC electricity by an inverter, to be used on the grid. The inverter is the ‘brains’ of a PV system; it is the box of electronics which converts DC to AC, synchronises to the national grid, and constantly tries to get the best out of a solar panel array. The solar panels themselves are fairly resilient (they are sealed-units, with aluminum framework and toughened glass), but like most electronic items, inverters do not last forever, and can fail resulting in no generation and therefore no Feed in Tariff earnings.

Norfolk Plumbing, Heating & Renewables have specialist, trained PV installers with a wealth of knowledge and experience of PV systems. We are able to respond quickly to customer’s calls and can diagnose faults and replace or repair inverters in a timely fashion, minimising lost generation and revenue.

Feed-In Tariffs Information

Norfolk Plumbing, Heating & Renewables advice you need to inspect your inverter weekly to check that it is working. If it isn’t, you will not be generating any FITs (Feed-In Tariffs).

If it isn’t working, please contact us on 07805 065870 or email - You could be losing some much needed income!

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Solar PV Repairs, Installations & Servicing

For more information on our Solar PV servicing, repairs and installations please contact us on 07805 065870 or email

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